
Lemon grass oil

Lemongrass decoction is used predominantly for drinking in the cold season to calm the cough, as well as in cases of dysuria, renal colic, urinary incontinence, and to get rid of sand in the renal.
Lemongrass is used mostly for the treatment of gastro - intestinal disorders as a sedative for the muscles of the stomach and intestines, but it is recommended for children. How to use: make a teaspoon of vegetable powder to half a cup of lemongrass boiled water and leave for 5 minutes after the time to drink a decoction.
Lemongrass beneficial herb used to reduce elevated body temperature. To brew a teaspoon of this powder plant in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Ready decoction taken three times a day.
According recipes lemongrass oil (has a similar flavor of lemon peel) is used as a domestic remedy for bloating, and increased activity of the stomach and intestines, and the removal of nausea and vomiting. Also, this oil is used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, sprains and muscle pain. Lemongrass oil has antioxidant properties; It calms the nervous system; improves blood circulation in the circulatory system; menstruations generates true test cycle; remove the smell of sweat. The oil is also used in the cleaning up oily skin.
Tea made from lemongrass, is used to overcome the cases of psychological depression, bad mood, appetite suppressants to eliminate disorders of the digestive system and as anti - fever remedy.
The plant is a part of Lemongrass homeopathic recipes for disposal of certain types of harmful bacteria, fungi and yeasts.
Constructed from lemongrass leaves pastes may be useful in the treatment of acute headaches and rheumatology.
Decoction infused roots of lemongrass, is useful in treating some urinary tract problems and stomach disorders.